Sowing to the Spirit

Sowing to the Spirit

Posted By Rev Dr Christopher Noble on 24/05/2020

Carrying our own burdens by sowing to the Spirit and serving the Word, the Church and the World.

Topic: Sowing to the Spirit

Bible Reference: Galatians 6: 6-10

Date: 24/05/2020

You can download the file sowing-to-the-spirit.m4a below



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  Andy on 24/05/2020

Thanks Chris, what an encouraging sermon especially in this time of isolation where we are maturing our own relationship with father, we must not forget to support those whom are needing support and fellowship. ✝️
Andy & Gina ❤️

  Tealady on 24/05/2020

A very encouraging sermon! Be encouraged too - unfortunately, in this world even Christians are not immune from the habit of picking holes in people - always try to look for the good - it makes life so much easier!